For members only

No doubt, 2023 will be another eventful year for our privacy community. From new laws and changing frameworks, novel technology and data usage methods to growing stakeholder awareness, you will face many challenges ahead. We wish you a lot of success in realizing your New Year’s privacy resolutions!

At the start of the Privacy Focus Group in 2017, the Data Breach Impact Assessment figured as one of the first discussion topics on the agenda. Over the past years, new data regulations have been put in place within the EU as well as globally, granting individuals stronger, more consistent rights to access and control their personal information. The broader use of technology brings it new definitions of what constitutes ‘personal information’ and a vast increase in cross-border processing.  The Privacy Commission was transformed into a fully-fledged Data Protection Authority.

Considering foregoing, the Impact Assessment topic has lost none of its importance and we are tabling it again on the agenda for debate. In a two-hour workshop we propose to discuss commonalities and divergences in the various approaches for an Impact Assessment. Thanks to advancing insights, more case law and best practices, and especially the expertise of our growing Focus Group, there is great potential for a rich exchange of experiences.

After a welcome coffee, we will start the meeting at 9:00 AM with
– A look at the state of data breaches in 2023 and explore some of the key trends.
– A presentation of the initial Impact Assessment based on the ENISA model.


In-person meeting on Tuesday, February 14th from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM.

Members can register through this link.


VBO FEB, Rue Ravensteinstraat 4 in 1000 Brussels.


More information? 

Contact [email protected]

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