On Friday 02 June, the pôle de compétitivité SKYWIN, in collaboration with the Réseau LiEU and CyberWal by Digital Wallonia, is organising a workshop dedicated to identifying needs, experiences and challenges in cybersecurity in the aeronautics, space and drone sectors. You will find practical information about the event below. If you are interested, do not forget to register in advance via the registration link.

When? June 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where ?: Euro Space Center (Devant les Hêtres 1, 6890 Libin)
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/billets-workshop-cybersecurite-4-aero-space-drones-624273237057

The full program will be available shortly on the CyberExcellence website (https://www.cyberexcellence.be/)


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