Bolster Belgium’s cyber security resilience

Our Mission is to bolster Belgium’s cyber security resilience by building a strong cyber security ecosystem at national level. We do so by bringing together the skills and expertise of the academic world, the private sector and public authorities on a trust-based platform aimed at fostering information exchange and implementing joint actions.

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Pascal Rogiest

RHEA Group is a systems engineering company headquartered in Belgium, with a strategic focus on both space and cyber. The Group provides bespoke engineering solutions, systems development and security services to critical infrastructures, mainly in the space, defence and security sectors. Pascal Rogiest, Chief Commercial Officer of RHEA Group, explains how the organisation expanded its initial DNA of space to include cyber, and why it is taking part in the Cyber Security Coalition. 

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From the Coalition’s Blog

NIS-2: Where are you?

In December 2020 the European Commission published a proposal to repeal the current NIS Directive (European Directive on Network and Information Systems) and to replace it with a new Directive: the so-called NIS-2 Directive. This post will give an update on the status of negotiations of NIS-2, and will outline the aspects we already know and don’t know about the upcoming Directive’s final form.  

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