« We need to move to a world where…all companies providing internet services and devices adhere to a vulnerability disclosure policy. » – Julian King, former Security Union Commissioner, European Commission.


Vulnerability disclosure policies (also called responsible disclosure) and hacker-powered security cannot be ignored.

The reality is, vulnerabilities are found every day by security researchers, friendly hackers, customers, academics, journalists, and tech hobbyists. Because no system is entirely free of security issues, it is important to provide an obvious way for external parties to report vulnerabilities.

Why is Julian King so adamant about vulnerability disclosure policy? Because they work and they protect assets.

Our first guest speaker is Valéry Vander Geeten, Legal Officer of the Centre for Cyber Security Belgium, which is in charge of promoting the adoption of Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (CVDP) in Belgium.

Our second guest speaker is Stijn Jans, Founder of Intigriti. A Belgian company which is one of the leading ethical hacking and bug bounty platform in Europe.

This Cyber Talk will help you understand the key elements to implement a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy or a bug bounty, whether you work for a corporation, nonprofit, open source project, or public entity.

You can subscribe through this link.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on November 26th!


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