Protect your online accounts with two-factor authentication
It is essential to use strong passwords, but they can also be stolen in case of data breaches or as a result of a virus. That’s why we strongly advise everyone to make use of two factor authentication or 2FA, an easy solution to double protect your online accounts!

The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) and the Cyber Security Coalition are launching their 6th National Cyber Security Awareness Campaign, during the European Cyber Security Month in October.  This year’s campaign will fully focus on two-factor authentication or 2FA. We want to encourage Internet users to better secure their accounts by means of two-factor authentication.

Protect your online accounts with two-factor authentication

Most Internet users realize that a short and simple password can be easily cracked. However, this doesn’t stop many users from still using them. 01234, azerty, password, a first name and date of birth, it’s just a few of the most commonly used but too easy passwords. The shorter and simpler a password, the faster it can be cracked.

Even strong passwords can be stolen in case of data breaches or as a result of a virus. Besides that, we can unintentionally reveal them ourselves if we fall into a devious phishing trap. That’s why we strongly advise everyone to make use of  two Factor Authentication. It’s an easy solution to double protect your online accounts!

Check if your passwords are secure

On the campaign website you can find more useful tips and information. A password test can also be found here, so that you can test for yourself if your accounts are properly secured.

Campaign material

All campaign material (posters, brochures, banners & videos) and the press release in French and Dutch can be download for free.

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Teaser video

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