Boost your digital health!

A backup makes you zen. Regular updates make you healthier. Test your own digital health on

The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium and the Cyber Security Coalition are launching the 4th national cyber security awareness campaign during the European Cyber Security Month. The campaign aims to encourage all internet users to boost their digital health by performing software updates and making regular backups of important files.

Why backups and updates remain of great importance!

In May 2017 the world was startled by the outbreak of the WannaCry ransomware. The speed with which the hostage virus infected systems worldwide was unseen. More than 300,000 devices were infected in 150 countries. The virus could strike so quickly and hard by using an existing vulnerability in IT systems.

Victims of Wannacry were faced with the choice to pay for getting back their data. Organizations and individuals who backed up their data taken hostage, could significantly reduce the damage without paying a ransom.

By performing software updates, the impact of attacks such as Wannacry can be limited as they repair vulnerabilities in systems and programs. This gives them greater resistance against hackers.

Test your digital health!

We encourage Belgian internet users to remain in good digital health. That is why we are introducing the Digital Health Index (DGI). A short test on assess the Belgian knowledge and behaviour about internet security.


Curious to know how digitally healthy are you? Then be sure to take the digital health test!

Take the digital health test

All campaign material and the press release can be download for free on our media page.


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