Sophisticated cyber attacks : Coalition Newsletter #1

Today’s sophisticated cyber attacks are coming down hard on companies and consumers because of the increasing collaboration between cyber-crime groups.

Cyber Security Coalition for cyber strength

Today’s sophisticated cyber attacks are coming down hard on companies and consumers because of the increasing collaboration between cyber-crime groups. So it’s only natural that victims of these attacks look for assistance among their colleagues and partners in their defence efforts.

Cooperation in defence : united against cyber attacks

At the end of 2014, the Belgian Cyber Security Coalition was established by a group of major companies, industry associations, public services and academia, to collaborate in the fight against cyber attacks. From the start, the Coalition counts companies from the banking sector, insurance companies and telecom operators among its members.

Quite often, even large companies cannot hope to have all defence expertise in-house, let alone know how to best apply this expertise in its defence. Therefore, the Coalition brings together experts from its members to exchange in a regular and structured way their experience, their best practices and the lessons learned, all in complete confidentiality. By sharing relevant information with public cyber security oriented services, they help at gauging the cyber security threat against our country, its economy and its citizens. By improving the resilience of their cyber defence, these companies also help improving the resilience of the national critical infrastructure.

Outreach and policies

As cyber security matters to all and everybody, the Coalition fully intends to play a role in strengthening the security posture in our country by targeted initiatives. It will provide valuable input in policy making processes, in order to help create effective legal and operational security frameworks at all levels in our country. The Digital Agenda of the Belgian government will be a major point of focus in the policy oriented efforts of the Coalition.

Furthermore, the Coalition will cooperate in national and corporate awareness raising projects, in order to have a population and workforce that handle security in a more mature way, and have the required trust to make the new digital economy into a success.

Cyber security is a fast changing field, requiring a flexible stance of the Coaltion as well. Therefore, complementary to meetings and the exchange of expertise, the Coalition will establish when needed ‘tracks’ to develop and study new aspects of cyber defence. One of those tracks relate to an awareness raising campaign targeting employees in companies, as well as the general public – starting with young people. All of the Coalition members to contribute to this national campaign to expand their outreach efforts.

The Cyber Security Coalition clearly intends to play a major role in improving the cyber security environment of its members, but also will do its duty in improving the cyber security posture of our country.

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