The online tool ‘Cyberguide’ helps you guiding your organization towards a better cyber security strategy. Discover the 4 categories and get an overview of the basic and more advanced cyber security measures. For each measure you will find a description, practical information and useful web links and tools to develop your organization’s cyber security plan.

Your organization’s own cyber security plan

In 2016, two thirds of Belgian companies were victims of cybercrime. For most companies, the damage was limited to a disruption of daily operations. However for 9% of the companies affected by cyber extortion and blackmail, the damage amounted to more than 10,000 euros. (source:, 29/6/2017)

Therefore we advise all organizations to develop their own cyber security strategy, so they can better arm themselves against cyber attacks. Though, a detailed cyber security plan does not have to be an insurmountable task.

To get them started, the Center for Cybersecurity Belgium developed in collaboration with the SPF Economy and the Cyber Security Coalition, the free reference guide ‘Cyberguide.

 Go to the Cyberguide on our media page

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