Digital security : Participate in the OECD survey for SMEs

The OECD would like to interview small and medium sized companies (SMEs) to get insights into the opportunities and challenges of digital security and privacy risk management.

The OECD would like to interview small and medium sized companies (SMEs) to get insights into the opportunities and challenges of digital security and privacy risk management.

These interviews would take 30-45 minutes approximately, with the objective to identify key challenges SMEs encounter and how public policies can facilitate their implementation. Firms and interviewees will remain anonymous.

The following four questions are guiding the OECD’s research:

  1. What are the main digital security and privacy risks faced by SMEs and how are they being addressed?
  2. What challenges and opportunities do SMEs encounter in implementing DSPRM? Do they differ e.g. across types of SMEs and sectors?
  3. How can policy makers help SMEs to overcome barriers to effective DSPRM?
  4. What good practices of effective DSPRM among SMEs can be promoted by policy makers?

To answer some of these and related questions, the OECD would like to interview SMEs with at least one of the following characteristics:

  • Data-intensive and ICT-reliant business models. SMEs that collect, store, process and/or transfer large amounts of data, including personal data, for example in the financial or health sector.
  • Engaged in critical activities and sectors. SMEs engaged in activities, sectors and infrastructures that are considered critical, for example, energy, water, transport, hospitals, etc.; as well as SMEs in the ICT sector.
  • Integrated into value chains of larger companies. SMEs that use inputs and/or provide outputs as a part of a larger value chain, including as subsidiaries of large firms and across borders.
  • Engaging in cross-border data flows. SMEs that generate cross-border data flows of personal and other data, including, for example, SMEs that use or provide cloud computing services across borders.
  • With high growth potential. Start-ups and otherSMEs attracting venture capital and other investors, and corresponding to any of the above characteristics.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Anneleen Dammekens before the 7th of August. We would also welcome suggestions of experts familiar with this subject matter who could complement the views of SMEs. The interviews would ideally take place during the August and in early September.

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